The body never lies.
We sweat. We fart. We shake. We orgasm. The bile rises in our mouths. We cry and we smile.
The only way we can miss the truth of our humanity is to ignore what is right in front of our face. What is called "non-verbal communication" is really just paying attention to what's before you.
When I think over all the relationships I've had in my life, both physical and not I'm struck by the fact that the most successful ones all started from me looking the other person dead in the eyes and telling the truth about what I saw --- and them telling me the truth right back.
I mean, we're basically animals, right? Aren't we?
Well, not exactly I think.
After all, success comes from telling the truth. An animal can't lie. Only humans have that special skill. Sure, an animal can stalk or lie in wait --- but it can't lie. Not like a person. Tell you one thing but do another.
I once had a woman in my life who said she loved me. She was distant, cold, and rude. She didn't laugh at my jokes. She winced at how loud I was. After the initial attraction faded, she was repulsed by my smell and I was infuriated by her manner. We both lied to each other that we had a future together --- but our bodies t0ld the truth. We weren't meant for each other, more than that we probably wanted to hurt each other.
My big take-away from this five year matriculation in the school of the blind is that I have to follow my gut and that I accomplish that by looking at what's in front of my face and checking in with myself about what I see.
So I say follow your gut. Don't waste five years of your life like I did trying to fit a round peg into a square hole.