Sometimes someone does something I love. Jonathon May-Bowles lobbed a pie in Rupert Murdoch's face today. I couldn't be more delighted.
I have been digesting my visit to my parents, thinking about my next blog post but then this incident emerged and I couldn't help but blog on it. It's topical, it's stupid but I don't care.
I love it. Really love it. No shouting, no violence, no nothing. Just simple clowning, designed to embarrass the mark. Which Murdoch certainly is. It's pretty reprehensible that anyone could create an organization where the need to create content superseded basic morality. While the people directly responsible are directly responsible, Murdoch set the tone. And he should be punished for that.
So what does this have to do with me? Nothing, really ---- except for the clowning.
In my ideal world, clowns would administer all non-corporal punishment that didn't involve violent crime. Clowns would punish insider trading, lying under oath, all sorts of administrative transgressions, and just plain being a fathead.
Clearly, I'm a bit pent-up. I don't care. May-Bowles is my hero du jour. He even had the stones to tweet this just prior to landing the cream on Mr. M's puss;
Vengeance is mine, saith the clown....
It is a far better thing that I do now than I have ever done before #splat
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