Wednesday, January 04, 2012

New Beginnings...

Who else to welcome in the New Year?
I took a prolonged break from this blog.  I felt overwhelmed by the technology, the concept of social networking, and while I was going through the process of getting married I didn't want to share my thoughts and feelings across the web.  I actually do believe some things are private, such as ones home life.

I am back.

For the coming year I have several resolutions:
  1. To teach acting
  2. To live simply
  3. To save money
  4. To exercise consistently
Beyond these simple goals (which in private I have concretized --- because without specifics, there can be no success).

I will writing here about my personal journey as both a person and an artist....two roads that are inseparable.  I welcome your comments and feedback.  Let's build a community of like-minded people, dedicated to living well and making beautiful things.

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